Calculator for Concrete Columns

Concrete Volume Calculator

Concrete Volume Calculator

Pouring concrete columns involves careful planning and execution to ensure they are strong, durable, and aesthetically pleasing. Here are some detailed steps and tips to help you pour nice concrete columns:

Materials and Tools Needed:

  • Concrete mix
  • Reinforcement bars (rebar)
  • Column formwork (plywood, steel, or plastic)
  • Concrete vibrator
  • Trowel and finishing tools
  • Level and measuring tape
  • Concrete release agent
  • Safety gear (gloves, goggles, etc.)


  1. Plan and Design:
  • Determine the size, shape, and height of the columns.
  • Ensure the design complies with local building codes and structural requirements.
  1. Prepare the Site:
  • Clear the area where the column will be placed.
  • Ensure a stable, level base for the formwork.
  1. Set Up Formwork:
  • Assemble the column formwork according to the design specifications.
  • Securely fasten the formwork to prevent leakage and ensure it can withstand the pressure of the concrete.
  • Apply a concrete release agent to the inside of the formwork for easy removal later.
  1. Install Reinforcement:
  • Cut and bend rebar to fit within the column formwork.
  • Tie the rebar together using wire ties, ensuring proper spacing and alignment.
  • Position the rebar cage within the formwork, ensuring it is centered and not touching the formwork walls.
  1. Mix and Pour Concrete:
  • Call Dispatch (971) 219-8604 to order the concrete to the required consistency, usually a 4″ slump is best for this type of work.
  • Pump the concrete into the formwork in layers, not exceeding 12-18 inches (30-45 cm) at a time.
  • Use a concrete vibrator to remove air bubbles and ensure proper compaction after each layer is poured.
  1. Level and Finish:
  • Once the formwork is filled, level the top surface of the column using a trowel.
  • Smooth the surface as needed, but avoid overworking the concrete, which can cause weak spots.
  1. Curing:
  • Allow the concrete to cure for the specified time, usually at least 24-48 hours before removing the formwork.
  • Keep the concrete moist during the curing process by covering it with a damp cloth or plastic sheet to prevent rapid drying and cracking.
  1. Remove Formwork:
  • Carefully remove the formwork once the concrete has adequately cured.
  • Inspect the column for any defects or imperfections and make necessary repairs.
  1. Finishing Touches:
  • If required, apply a concrete sealer to protect the surface.
  • Clean up the site and dispose of any construction debris properly.


  • Consistency: Ensure the concrete mix is of consistent quality throughout the pour.
  • Reinforcement: Properly positioned and securely tied rebar is crucial for the structural integrity of the column.
  • Vibration: Use the concrete vibrator carefully to avoid segregation of the concrete mix. DON’T OVER-VIBRATE.
  • Weather Conditions: Avoid pouring concrete in extreme weather conditions (too hot or too cold) as it can affect the curing process.

Following these steps and tips will help you pour nice concrete columns that are structurally sound and visually appealing.