Indus Valley Civilization

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Here are the answers to the questions about the Indus Valley Civilization:

  1. What are the two major cities of the Indus Valley Civilization?
    • The two major cities are Harappa and Mohenjo-daro.
  2. The Indus Valley people are known for their advanced urban planning. Can you name one key feature of their city layouts?
    • One key feature is their grid system of streets, which included well-planned residential and public areas.
  3. What was the primary writing system used by the Indus Valley Civilization, which remains undeciphered to this day?
    • The primary writing system is known as the Indus script.
  4. The Indus Valley Civilization had a remarkable sanitation system. What is one example of their advanced sanitation technology?
    • An example is their sophisticated drainage system, which included covered drains and public baths.
  5. Trade was an important aspect of the Indus Valley economy. Can you name one artifact that indicates they traded with Mesopotamia?
    • One artifact indicating trade with Mesopotamia is the Indus seals found in Mesopotamia, which were used for stamping goods.